

why to eat Healthy Food!

For me this has always seemed so obvious. The better I eat, the better i will feel and develop. Moreover I know I am doing everything in my power to enable to achieve my genetic potential. I have not always got it all right, but have been fine tuning the diet as i learn.

I know that if I eat well, exercise and get outside I feel 100% better than when I don’t. This must be also true for all of us. The better you eat, the more you exercise the better you must feel.

From all I have read poor nutrition is the root of so many illnesses. Everything from the obvious, to the not so easily defined headaches, constant colds, tiredness, lethargy, bad skin, earaches, fungal infections. Changing the diet can have an almost miraculous impact on one’s health. There is a growing army of nutritionists, dieticians and doctors who proscribe to this theory and look for the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms, often with drugs.

I know from personal experience that i sleep super well, are rarely sick (one quick cold per year) and are full of energy, enthusiasm and a zest for life. I know that changing the high sugar, additive filled, trans-fat, white carb, take-away culture i have come to accept as the norm will make all of us feel so much better.

For me it is a simple equation. The best food in, the best results seen. Our bodies are a finely tuned, incredibly complex machine and for every process executed many vitamins and minerals are indispensable. Missing out on just one of these vitamins or minerals can mean that a critical process is skipped. Nutrition is also very important for the Brain that this is why when we are stressed we forget people’s names. In a very basic nutshell the vital vitamins and minerals are gobbled up to cater to our adrenaline rush and the part of the brain dedicated to “unimportant” tasks, like names misses out.

Moreover, vital organs, including the brain need a good balanced and well choosing diet. This requires the optimal fuel not the cheap grade, budget variety. It stands to reason that short changing the body of the building blocks required to build the premium model could have long term repercussions. It can also reflect in a host of behavioural issues like hyperactivity or the inability to sleep. From what I have read tests have proven a link between diet and behavioural disorders and modifications of food eaten have had dramatic and positive results.

It’s never too late to change and all change, however small is for the good. I am continually looking for better ways to buy, prepare and include/remove foods from the menu.